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Heal Your Gut: Ayurvedic Cooking

Join us on February 9th at 10AM until 1PM in the beautiful Westside New Leaf Kitchen for a workshop on how to optimize your gut health. A wholesome Ayurvedic lunch will be included. Ayurveda believes that the foundation of physical and mental health starts with the digestive system. If your diet is not creating healthy microbes in the gut, then medicine alone will be insufficient. When diet is “correct” it becomes your medicine which leads to a healthy digestive tract, something that is indispensable for overall well-being. In Ayurveda we treat the gut to treat the brain through food, lifestyle and herbs. Current research has found that 60-80% of our immune system is located in our gut and 80% of our body’s neurotransmitters are made in the gut. In this upcoming workshop we will teach you on how to have good gut health and what foods to make to have healthy microbacteria! This emphasis is on gut health, microflora, and probiotics. We will give you steps to heal your gut and achieve overall health! Learn how your stomach is your second brain and discover new science that is aligning Ayurveda, one of the world’s oldest medicinal systems. Learn what to eat and not eat for your gut and how to cleanse your intestinal track! We look forward to seeing you there! Manish and the Santa Cruz Ayurveda Team

PS please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions![/et_pb_text][et_pb_button button_url=”″ url_new_window=”on” button_text=”Get Tickets” button_alignment=”left” admin_label=”Get Tickets Button (add event url here)” _builder_version=”3.16″ custom_button=”on” button_text_size=”32″ button_bg_color=”#ee7821″ button_border_width=”0″ button_font=”Amatic SC||||” button_use_icon=”default” background_layout=”dark” button_letter_spacing_hover=”0″ saved_tabs=”all” button_text_size__hover_enabled=”off” button_one_text_size__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_text_size__hover_enabled=”off” button_text_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_one_text_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_text_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_border_width__hover_enabled=”off” button_one_border_width__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_border_width__hover_enabled=”off” button_border_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_one_border_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_border_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_border_radius__hover_enabled=”off” button_one_border_radius__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_border_radius__hover_enabled=”off” button_letter_spacing__hover_enabled=”on” button_letter_spacing__hover=”0″ button_one_letter_spacing__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_letter_spacing__hover_enabled=”off” button_bg_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_one_bg_color__hover_enabled=”off” button_two_bg_color__hover_enabled=”off”][/et_pb_button][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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