Why spring detoxification? Why choose foods according to the season? Find out how to restore and rejuvenate health. Ayurveda is effective in building and maintaining: lasting immunity and energy; vitality and longevity; healthy digestion and skin.
This will be an informative workshop full of tips on how to stay healthy and effectively cleanse during the spring months. Learn how to safely cleanse the body of accumulated excess mucus in the winter and get ready for a new season. We will talk about various Ayurvedic cleansing practices to take that will help bring clarity, detoxification, renewed energy, and radiance. Many fad cleanses popular now are not sustainable or balancing, yet these 5000 year old techniques keep you balanced while cleaning out your system. We will conclude this workshop enjoying a freshly prepared Organic Ayurvedic lunch together. Take a step towards empowerment in your health & come join us!
Hosted at: Westside New Leaf, 1101 Fair Ave, Santa Cruz, Saturday, March 14: 10-1.
This workshop is full but join us next month on Saturday, April 18 or call our office at 831.295.6279 for more information.