“The five fires, or agnis, of Pitta are pachaka, ranjaka, sadhaka, alochaka, and bhrajaka.The first fire of pachaka, which is in the stomach, duodenum, and small intestine, has a digestive and dissolvent action. After digestion, pachaka separates the nutritive elements of food and discards the waste. It also supports the remaining agnis. Its psychological function is to fan the fires of proper mental assimilation and maintain a discriminating mind. The site of the second fire, ranjaka, is the liver, spleen, and stomach. Ranjaka, which is carmine red, controls blood formationve Fires of Pitta. Its proper functioning relates to calmness and the general well-being of the body. The third fire, sadhaka, is located in the heart. It governs memory retention and the wellness of all mental functions. Psychologically, sadhaka assuages the mind and fosters humility. It is the central and most subtle of the five fires. The fourth fire, alochaka, resides in the pupil of the eyes. Animating the sense of sight, alochaka’s fire inspires intuition, creative vision, clarity, alertness, and accommodation of others. The fifth fire, known as bhrajaka, exists in the skin. It governs the color and glow of the skin, and absorbs moisture and substances applied to the skin. Psychologically, the fire of bhrajaka sanctifies external beauty and cleanliness.
Thirty percent of diseases are caused by Pitta derangement. Disorders of the stomach and small intestine, fevers, indigestion, jaundice, pharyngitis, vitiation of sight, skin ailments, psychic disorders, and all vitiation related to the five divisions are considered to be impairments of Pitta.”
Excerpt from, "A Life of Balance," By Maya Tiwari, 1995. Page 25.