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Seasonal diet and Ayurveda

Santa Cruz Ayurveda

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On June 24th from 10AM until 1PM please join us in the beautiful New Leaf Kitchen. A wholesome Ayurvedic lunch will be included. $47 to attend.

We all know veggies are important, but do you know why? The cellulose in vegetables attaches to the bile that is attached to toxic cholesterol, and escorts it into the toilet. If we don’t eat enough veggies, up to 94% of the bile with toxins are re-absorbed back to the liver and blood stream where they put us at cardiovascular risk.

In this woprkshop we will be talking about the seasonnal diet, escpecillay the summer meal plan, lifestyle activities, detoxification strategies, and some of the common Ayurvedic herbs. A freshly prepared organic meal is enjoyed at the end.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Manish and the Santa Cruz Ayurveda Team

PS please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

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