Do you have tendencies towards gaining weight, getting anxiety, or getting overly angry? Have you always wanted to get more connected to your body? Have you taken the “Dosha quiz” on our website, but have no idea what “Dosha” even means? A main concept in Ayurveda are the three Doshas. The three Doshas are the three different basic types of the human constitution. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are responsible for individual differences and preferences that influence everything we do. In Ayurveda the concept of Dosha can be pretty intricate from your personal Dosha, to the time of the day, or the seasons. However, we are just going to focus on finding out your Dosha to understand your physical, emotional, and mental tendencies. Your individual constitution is acquired at birth and stays the same throughout your life. You will also find that your Dosha will change depending on what you’ve been going through. There are three general categories (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). However, combinations of them do exist. These categories aren’t created to box someone in or create a stereotype, but help clarify tendencies for illness, emotions, and lifestyles.
If you have yet to take our Dosha quiz, you can find it at If you have already taken the “quiz” then read below for the different characteristics for each Dosha.
Firstly, the Dosha that will stay the same for your whole life is your prakruti. Your altered state of being in the past few months or so is your vikruti. For instance your prakruti could be you have always had a tendency to be really loving, move slower, and like to sleep. However, in the past few months (your vikruti) you started a new job and are experiencing anxiety, stress, and mental disorders. Ayurveda would come up with a plan to help bring you back into balance!
For the test to be the most effective try taking it twice or even try asking a friend or family member for help!
Characteristic of the Doshas
Vata Individuals Vata is the energy of movement. It is the strongest of the Doshas and most people tend to have Vata out of balance. Vata tends to be displayed on light and flexible bodies. Vata people tend to be underdeveloped physically with flat chests and their veins and muscle tendons more visible. Their complexion tends to be darker or have a slightly tinged brown color. Their skin tends to be cold, rough, dry, or can crack easily. They usually have darker moles. They are usually tall or short with thin frames. Their hair tends to be dark, curly, and coarse. Their eyelashes can tend to be short and thin. The eyes can be small and active. Their nails tend to be brittle or rough. Their noses can tend to be bent or up-turned. The appetite and digestion of Vata people tends to be variable. Sometimes they have no appetite and sometime they can eat a large meal easily. Vata people tend to like warm drinks. Urine tends to be scanty and the feces dry, hard, or small. They have a tendency towards constipation. They don’t sweat much, even when working out. Their sleep is light and can be easily disturbed. Their dreams tend to be oriented towards flying, jumping, running, or fearful. Their hand and feet tend to be cold. Vata people tend to be creative, active, alert, restless, and creative. They can tend to talk fast, move or walk quickly but can get tired easily. They tend to have quick mental capacity, but can have short memory or be absent-minded. Vata people tend to go with the flow and easy to change. Out of balance they can be indecisive and impatient. They tend to think and worry too much. When out of balance they tend to be overly nervous and fearful. The disease tendencies are generally mental disorders or anxiety. They are loving people, but could tend to love out of fear of being alone. They can tend to have a fear of darkness, heights, and enclosed spaces. Their faith can tend to be flexible. Due to their flexibility and movement, they can likely to often move their furniture around or live in their cars. They have a tendency due to their active nature to make good money, but can easily spend it. Out of balance Vata people can become anti-social and get annoyed that people aren’t on the same quick pace as them. Their elements are Ether (space) and air.
Pitta Individuals Pitta individuals generally are of medium height, moderate in weights, frame and muscle development. They can show moderate number of veins and muscle with medium chests. They tend to seldom gain or lose weight easily. They can be disciplined, active, and excellent leaders. They seek to have power and get their name known. Pitta people can be blessed with wisdom– enough to go bald! If they have moles they are usually of a lighter color. They tend to have a red or yellowish complexion. Their skin is soft, warm, oily, and less wrinkled than Vata skin. They tend to have good color and may be flushed often. Their hair is thin, silky, brown or reddish with a tendency to go gray or bald early. Their eyes are generally grey, green, or copper-brown. Their eyeballs are of medium prominence with often poor vision. The nose can be sharp and the tip often reddish. They usually perspire quite a lot. Their body temperature is high and their hands and feet tend to be warm. Too much heat or sunlight can over-heat them. Pitta Individuals have good comprehension of things, are intelligent, sharp, and can speak well. Their emotional tendencies are anger, jealousy, or perhaps hatred. If they get out of balance they can be reactionary. Most of the time they’d be the one swearing if a car cute them off. They can be very ambitious and like to lead. In fact they can be judgmental, critical, and perfectionists. Pitta individuals tend towards “noble” professions and make money and yet spend it on luxurious items. Their dreams tend to be fiery, angry, passionate, and colorful. Their disease tendencies are heat (ex. blisters or ulcers), infections, infections, or inflammation. They have a sharp memory. Pitta people tend to have moderate sleep yet uninterrupted. Pitta people love to be on the go and active. They are go-getters. Their elements are fire and water.
Kapha Individuals Kapha individuals tend to have well-developed bodies. Out of balance they can tend to carry excess weight. Their chests are usually expanded and broad. They tend to have thicker skin so veins and tendons aren’t easily seen. They have good muscle development. They are often fair, white or pale. Their skin tends to be soft, moist, and cold. Their hair is often thick, soft, and wavy. Their eyes are dense black or blue in color and large and attractive. Kapha people usually have a steady appetite and thirst, but can tend to have slow digestion and metabolism. This can tend to excess weight. They tend to move slowly and do things on their own time. Kapha people have a tendency towards being homebodies and not likely to travel too often. They tend to be tolerant, calm, loving, and forgiving. They tend to be very nurturing and great listeners. They sweat a moderate amount. They tend to love to sleep and stay in bed. They have very sound sleep that can be excessive or prolonged. Their dreams tend to be watery, romantic, or swimming oriented. They have good endurance and stamina. They can be very healthy and content with their lives. They love eating, spending time with others, and sleeping. They tend to be the most loving people and yet can tend to have traits such as greed, envy, attachment, and possessiveness. Their faith is generally very strong, steady, and loyal. They have good memories, a deeper melodious voice. A Kapha person makes and saves money. Their disease tendencies are mucus, colds, and phlegm. Overall, they can be very healthy and endowed with strength and a peaceful mindset. Their elements are water and earth.
Ayurveda uses the understanding of the Doshas to see what activities, spices, foods, and lifestyles are best for you! In our consultations we work with you one on one to optimize your health, energy, and disease tendencies.
Check out our next workshop on March 18th to learn more about Ayurveda and how to cook Ayurvedic meals!
Many Blessings,
Santa Cruz Ayurveda